The dangers of fanaticism

By Dr Elias Chakabwata
The recent developments in Kenya concerning a cultic leader who caused the death of his followers by insisting that they fast till they die to obtain salvation is quite disturbing. People are doing all sorts of strange things in the name of worship and commitment to an organization and loyalty to a leader.

Some cunning folks are taking advantage of the sufferings of mankind and masquerade as envoys appointed and anointed to end these miseries, yet there is a hidden agenda for self-aggrandizement and personal gain.

Life is full of surprises and perplexities. It is these issues that have contributed to some of the weird and strange phenomenon we are witnessing today.In the quest to get answers to life challenges people have fallen into the hands of these men and women who have abused them and made them to do things unheard of in the previous generations.

One may wonder as to what are some of the signs of a cult?

The the list is not exhaustive.
Cults are religious movements that deviate from orthodox practices as portrayed in the Bible and are led by leaders who are very forceful and controlling.

The followers are made to believe everything the leader says as disagreeing with him/her is as seen as rebellion against God .
There is no room for critical thinking as people are reduced to doers only of the leader’s commands.

The leader instills fear in the followers by constantly telling them how spiritual he/she is and how they see things in the spirit which others can’t see .This make them unique in the eyes of their followers.

There is a down play on the importance of the written word of God as the leader’s oral word is subtly given the same status as the Bible or even above it.

Women and girls are exploited in the name of submission which is abusive and inhumane including sexual abuse and being denied to proceed with their education.
The role of women is relegated to the bedroom and nothing more meaningful within the organization.

The leader uses advanced mind controlling techniques to manipulate the followers and indoctrinate them to an extent that they think their organization is the only true church.
People who leave the organization are branded “ rebels’ and the members of the cultic movement are not allowed to talk or associate with them.
Followers of a cultic leader are made to believe that if they leave the organization they will not survive.

The followers are disempowered and rely on the leader to guide them even on how many children they should have and where they should live.
Those who leave the organization are demonized and in some cases they are persecuted and even arrested on trumped-up and spurious charges.

The followers are isolated from their families and friends who are called ‘uncircumcised philistines’.

The organization has programs lined up Sunday to Sunday with no time for social life or family life.

The leader of a cultic movement is venerated as a god and the followers follow sheepishly due to indoctrination.

The followers can be very aggressive towards anyone they perceive as attacking their leader .
The aforementioned are some of the tale tell signs that an organization is now going at a tangent off route. Some men and women started very well , but the desire for power got them so drunk that they have departed from the genuine teachings as dictated by the holy Book. They have come up with cunning ways to control and manipulate the innocent seekers of solutions to life’s issues .Some of these leaders have gone to an extent of acquiring extra powers to fascinate people and get them to believe that they are genuine. The writer is not ruling out the existence of miracles that are from God. Every miracle must be measured in light of the written word of God. People should not do or perform miracles to draw people to themselves but rather towards Christ. Miracles are to follow the genuine ministry of the Word of God and not vice versa.

People should read the Bible for themselves and in fact no one has a monopoly on Bible interpretation.

Ways of assisting someone who is in a cult.
Know the basic beliefs of these people
Pray to God for wisdom and courage, be prepared to meet hostility from the person
Be patient as you converse with the person and pray in your heart as the conversation progresses

Don’t attack the person discuss the issues at stake and not personalities

Give them a chance even as you agree from the onset that no one should be emotional and each person is to be given time to share their ideas.
When you see the discussion degenerating into emotionalism, terminate it and propose to meet another day. God is gracious you may save a soul from the shackles of bondage.

It is important in churches that people be taught the basic rules of Bible interpretation .These include aspects like interpreting scripture in light of contextual meaning and applying the truth learnt .

The write would like to submit that leaders of Christian movements should be accountable to either a body of leaders within that particular organization or fellow ministers who can challenge them to remain within the parameters of the Word of God.

(Dr Elias Chakabwata is the International Executive President of Impact Training Institute which trains Gospel Ministers irrespective of denomination.)

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