“Thank you mothers”- Impact Training Institute President.

As the world commemorates Mothers Day ,it is important that as a people we press a pause button and reflect on the roles played by women in different spheres of society .

From time immemorial women have been known to nurture children and inculcate good morals .The yester years mothers could carry their children on their backs while balancing 20 liter water containers from the nearest river which was 15km away from their homestead.Ironically the men would be sitting under the sheds of trees waiting for the same woman to cook a hot meal for them.
In some families the husband would assist the wife but again there were challenges associated with this as the community would frown upon him as someone who has been ‘bewitched’ by the wife.

Women were treated as ‘men’s property’ in some cases even psychical abuse against one’s wife was accepted as normal .There were various statements like ‘women are children’ and so need to be brought to order by whipping!
Such were the beliefs upheld in some communities .
Since 1980 to date a lot has changed in Zimbabwe when it comes to the issues of women empowerment .The girl child now is being afforded the same opportunity as the boy child to go to school and attain whatever qualifications they desire.
In some colleges of higher learning points for admission into various programs are lowered in favor of the girl child .This is commendable and we have seen a substantial number of women venturing into some areas which were a preserve for men.
Barriers are being broken and new records are being set by the girl child as she rises above male chauvinism and gender discrimination.

Women’s role in politics can not be ignored .Even during the First and Second Chimurenga Wars , women played a pivotal role alongside their male counter parts.
In the Christina Faith the resurrection of Jesus Christ was heralded by a woman while the apostles were in a hiding fearing the wrath of the authorities .
We can’t talk of the modern day nursing without mentioning Florence Nightingale.
We should never forget Marie Salomea Skłodowska–Curie who was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize,
Back home in Zimbabwe our very own the late Sarah Kachingwe defied all odds and became the first black woman to be admitted at the then University of Southern Rhodesia.
We celebrate women who have risen through the different ranks in society and contributed to the advancement of nations .
In the academic circles we should hail Hope Sadza who is the Co-Founder, Trustee and Founding Vice Chancellor of the Women’s University in Africa.
The late Primrose Kurasha who was the Vice Chancellor of Zimbabwe Open University is in the annals of history lifting the banner of the girl child in the academic arena.

Mothers bear pain In child bearing and this should not be taken for granted.Women deserve to be saluted and held in high esteem.
In most cases in our society a mother will defend her child ,for example if someone accuses her child of stealing ,the mother will stand and say ‘not my child ‘ such is the level of defence and protection mothers give to their children.
In some cases some women have been caught on the wrong side of the law .This should not be used to then stero type all women .
Thank you mothers for nurturing us , raising us ,clothing and feeding us from day one.
We can’t thank you enough.Happy mothers day .Keep on rising girl child even the sky is no longer the limit as proved by Neil Armstrong who landed on the moon !!.

Dr Elias Chakabwata is the Executive President of Impact Training Institute which train and empower the girl child in various ways .He can be contacted on 0732288687/ president@impacttraininginstitute.co.zw

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