A church constitution is a legal document that outlines among other things the parameters of operation for the church and it’s basic beliefs.
A Church is both an organization and an organism .It is an organization because it is required to operate within certain legal frameworks withing a State .Among other things a Church is expected to comply with legal instruments that the appropriate governing authority within a country stipulates.(Chaka .2023)

On the other hand a Church is a living organism because it is referred to as the ‘Body of Christ’ with many parts just like the human body.
It is within these contexts that the writer would like to highlight the importance of a Church Constitution.

Some of the reasons why a Church Constitution is important are as follows :
1.It spells out the vision and mission of the Church.
2.It outlines clearly the roles within the Church hierarchy.
3 .It stipulates modus operandi..the way things are done within a church eg how the church handles its finances .

  1. It helps in the event of matters that may arise eg succession issues.
  2. Issues of property ownership are also contained in the Constitution.Sometimes these issues may be put in a deeds of trust document.
    6.The identity of a Church is contained in its Constitution
    The list above is not exhaustive .However ,what is clear is that a Church must have a clear Constitution which is known by every member moreso those in leadership .
    One of the reasons why some powerful ministries end up closing down their doors is governance issues.

Governance ent
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