A serious reflection by Dr Elias Chakabwata
“Men don’t cry “, is a common statement used when a boy child is growing .Most of the times when men are faced with a tough situation the statement comes back unconsciously “men don’t cry” so the man puts up a smile and pretends as though everything is going on well when in actual fact their world is tearing apart.
Wait a minute , men are also beings with emotions and these emotions should be allowed to come out and be expressed without the person expressing them being judged as a weakling.
If there is one area which has been greatly misunderstood it is the area of man’s emotional make -up .
The way a man should behave when faced with challenges has been cast and set by society.The resulte of such stereotypes are at times undesirable.
The writer would like to give an example of a man who loses a child and during the funeral he is told to behave as expected “men don’t cry”, yet internally the man is going through an emotional turmoil .The pain of losing his dear child would be tearing him apart .The dangers of such approach to bereavement may not be seen immediately but it is a question of time before the man gets into severe depression with acute mood swings .
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