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Impact Training Institute hosts an empowering seminar
Impact Training Institute (ITI) recently held a one day capacity building Seminar in Harare. The Seminar was attended by delegates from different parts of Zimbabwe including Masvingo , Concession.Kwekwe and Bindura. Speaking at the seminar ITI President Prof Elias Chakabwata encouraged the delegates to practice anger management techniques when faced with serious provocation.He emphasized the…

The leadership fears . BY Professor Elias Chakabwata
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Professor Chakabwata Speaks on Church Constitutions
A church constitution is a legal document that outlines among other things the parameters of operation for the church and it’s basic beliefs.A Church is both an organization and an organism .It is an organization because it is required to operate within certain legal frameworks withing a State .Among other things a Church is expected…

The dangers of fanaticism
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Church administration Part 1 by Professor Elias Chakabwata
Church administration entails the way a Church is run in short.(Chaka 2024).A Church has various departments or ministries within it .If it is to be well coordinated then administration has to be very deliberate and purposeful .Proper administration has the following benefits among many others :1.If there is transparency people develop trust and so support…

Handling a crisis at work. By Professor Elias Chakabwata (ITI Executive President )
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